flasks, Arduino-boards
and proximity sensors
for an interactive lighting system




Luce & Light is an Italian company specialized in the design and production of Led lighting systems.

The project concerns its Light + Building 2018 booth in Frankfurt.

textile architecture and digital production

A two-storey prefab structure built with digital production methodology: CNC milled CLT panels and laser cut steel joints.

The stand appearance is conceived as different perspective levels of textile volumes and textures with light interplay.

experience the light

The outer cubic shell was made of several transparencies’ layers, tensioned on a skeleton of aluminium trusses:

  1. the external skin is a transparent white printed pvc screen
  2. the middle surface is plywood tensile structure with aluminium finishing
  3. the inner closure is a tensioned black tule

The inner aluminium reflectance is enhanced by an upper cold grazing light, while the plywood perforation thickness is marked out by golden light from above.

The central free-shape cylinder, that houses the lighting products collection, consists in a white canvas coloured by an RGB lighting system. Its light is continuously mutable, following a precise path designed in accordance with the Andrea Cera environmental sounds. The inside L&L products testing is dynamically contributing, with its random spotting, to the cylinder appearance.

an interactive lighting system

At ground level, the attention of visitors is attracted by an interactive lighting system: moving light generated by water flasks, according to visitor approaching position.

The flasks are lighted from above by a sequence of underwater projectors and the water inside is bubbling and blending, according to the observer’s distance. The spatial diffusion of light is generated by the light interplay with the air bubbles generated by the flasks’ motorized paddles. The control is by an Arduino-board connected to proximity sensors.



Luce&Light s.r.l

design team

G. Traverso, P. Vighy,
C. Baggio, S. Dal Bianco, N. Fagnani