
interactive modules


Interactive displays for motorcycle accessories and clothing

Interactive Modules is a research project developed for Spidi, a leading manufacturer of motorcycle clothing.

The goal of the research is to develop a modular display system, interacting with customers.

The system is a variable composition of interactive display modules equipped with a back-lighting LED system with variable intensity and colour.

Arduino and ultrasonic proximity sensors

Each module is equipped with an ultrasonic proximity sensor to estimate the presence and distance of users from the display system; sensor signals, processed by an Arduino board, modulate the light, guiding the attention of the user.

The system is designed to be modular and versatile according to the composition of the interactive modules and their programming.
Various display solutions have been developed: counter displays, showcase modules, self-supporting display displays or free-form space structures.

The use purposes of the system are retail and exhibition display.


Spidi Sport Srl

design team

G. Traverso, P. Vighy
C. Baggio, N. Fagnani

photo credits


spidi_interactive-modules_traverso-vighy_animazioni moduli grandi